Insurance News Articles

We try to answer your questions before you ask them. If you ever have any questions, please contact us. We are always here for you!


Have you considered switching your current coverage? We can help you validate the premium you are paying. Saving you money does not always require a new policy and our primary goal is to help you save. We can quote multiple companies as well as explain what you are paying for and how it compares in coverages. If you are a small business owner we can quote you too!

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As an Independent Agency, Eastway can offer many insurance companies, allowing us to shop for the best coverage and...


All of us at Eastway are very excited to celebrate our fortieth year helping Rochester save money and live better. We have partnered with our neighbors at Flower Barn and Rosey's Italian Cafe to give you a gift!

Save money on your Auto and Home Insurance now and Start Today with a $10 coupon good at Flower Barn or Rosey's Italian Cafe! Come in...


Life Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give. It can also be the greatest gift you receive. I know because I received this gift. I had a catastrophic injury to my cervical spine and donor bone is the reason I can walk and talk today. Without the Gift of Life, I would have been a quadriplegic on a ventilator. My name is Joe Rothpearl. I am a donor recipient and a Proud Partner with Donate Life New York State (Click to Register Here!!!)


What gets us excited at Eastway? We get excited when we can save people money. In fact, we go out of our way to help people save money. When you come to us for a quote, we don’t charge anything to help you find the best rate and coverage. Every one of our Auto and Home policyholders saved money by working with us.

How easy is it to save money? Saving money is just as easy as getting a new quote. A quote starts with basic information and there are also a lot of questions to answer. If you are not getting asked a lot of questions, there’s a good chance you don’t have the right price...


Auto and Home Insurance is going up nationally and especially in New York State. If you have a lapse in auto insurance coverage it will be extremely difficult to secure affordable coverage and in some cases any coverage at all. Most insurance companies require you to have current insurance in place before switching to another carrier. If you do not currently have insurance, you will be denied by most companies.

How did this happen? There are a lot of answers, but the main reason is cost effectiveness. Insurance companies lose money from bad risks and the less bad risks they insure...

What Does Joe Namath Know About Your Benefits?

If You Guessed ‘nothing’ then you are correct! Insurance is confusing enough without former athletes and stars advising us about our benefits. Regardless of what type of insurance you have - the television commercials always promote the slightest possibilities to the widest audience. A call center operator cannot appreciate your personal needs after spending minutes on the phone with you.

Eastway Insurance Agency has been an Independent, Family Owned, Local Agency since 1983. We do not advertise on television or in the newspaper and most of our clients are referrals. We do not...


The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has been signed into law. Much has been said about the environmental and economic aspects, but what it’s proposed to do for Medicare could surely have a big impact on the industry.

Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, which is set to be signed into law today. This government reconciliation bill promises to fund environmental efforts, close tax loopholes, work to...


What is Inflammation?

There are a lot of products and diets out there that promise to combat inflammation, but what does that mean? What is inflammation? What causes it, and how does it influence our health?

Inflammation is one of those health industry buzzwords that you see often, but it’s never really defined. So often, it’s tied to some product that promises to reduce inflammation, with a tagline that inflammation is the leading cause of some scary-sounding condition. It may surprise you that inflammation is a natural occurrence for our bodies. While inflammation can have...


Does Medicare Cover Respite Care?

Being a caregiver for a loved one receiving hospice care can be difficult. Respite care can give you a chance to rest and recharge, but does Medicare cover it?

We all need a little rest from time to time, but for those who act as primary caregivers for their loved ones, rest may be difficult to come by. It may be even more elusive if your loved one has a critical condition that requires constant supervision and care.

Respite care can help caregivers find some relief. Of course, any kind of specialized care will cost money, but will...


Get ready for the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period with our centralized guide to AEP.

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is right around the corner! Every year, the AEP is your opportunity to enroll in or switch to a Medicare plan that fits your ever evolving health care needs. This special enrollment window only runs October 15 to December 7, so it’s important to be prepared to accomplish anything you’d like to during that time. If reviewing or changing your coverage seems a little daunting with all the different plans and benefits on the market and decisions to make, don’t...
