All of us at Eastway are very excited to celebrate our fortieth year helping Rochester save money and live better. We have partnered with our neighbors at Flower Barn and Rosey's Italian Cafe to give you a gift!
Save money on your Auto and Home Insurance now and Start Today with a $10 coupon good at Flower Barn or Rosey's Italian Cafe! Come in for a free quote and get $10 off your Total Purchase.
Only an Independent, Family-Owned Agency will treat you the way we do. Help us celebrate our fortieth year in Penfield and call, email or stop in for a free quote today. Let us help make your life richer!! Contact for your free quote today. Please locate your existing policy so we can validate your current coverage for a more accurate comparison.
Offer runs from July 1st – July 31st, 2023. No Purchase Necessary